To apply, you must be a licensed Lauderhill Business or willing to relocate your business to Lauderhill. (If you are not a Lauderhill business please provide proof of your County Business Tax Receipt).
Any prize money awarded must only be used to finance your Lauderhill Business, and your business must stay in the City of Lauderhill for at least (3) three years.
Applications must be complete and submitted by Sunday, February 13, 2022. No applications will be accepted past the due date.
Up to (2) people from the business can present during the competition and must be the owner or co-owner(s) of the business
Audio/visual devices or systems may be used (e.g. PowerPoint, recordings, flip charts, etc.)
Presenters may bring a product sample (e.g. garment) to use during the pitch. No guns, firearms, weapons, or pyrotechnics are allowed. Any and all specific presentation requests are to be sent to
Contestants may bring promotional materials (which may only be distributed at the end of the contest) for the audience.
During the preliminary rounds presentations will be no longer than 3 minutes. During the final pitch competition finalists will be given 4 minutes to present. Throughout all stages of the competition presenters should be ready to answer questions posed by the judges.
Finalists MUST check in at the registration table by 2:00pm the day of the competition.
Must be a for profit business.
The events will be photographed and recorded for informational and promotional purposes. The event pictures and interviews may be used on the City of Lauderhill’s website, the Lauderhill CRA website, CRA publications, external publications, and electronic media.