City of Lauderhill
Home Sitemap ContactStreets & Roads
There are over 6.5 miles of roadway within our City that we are responsible for maintaining. Crews are constantly on the look-out for pot holes and roads that need some minor repair. We have an annual pavement restoration program as part of our Capital Improvement Program to constantly maintain the good quality roads that our citizens deserve. We welcome your telephone calls to help us locate and identify any possible road problems. Call (954) 730-2960 and we will respond immediately.
We are also on the look out for sidewalk repairs. If there is a cracked or broken sidewalk, it is your responsibility.
If there is a street light out near your home or business, it is most likely FP&L's responsibility. But again, if you want to call us to check, please don't hesitate.
To report a downed sign, roadway marking and more please visit this link.