City of Lauderhill
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How much water should I have on hand?
A good rule of thumb is to store one gallon (about 4 liters) of water per person, per day. You should plan for at least three days. For example, a family of four should store 12 gallons (about 45 liters) of water: one for each person, and enough for three days. If you are caught unprepared, the drain on your hot water heater can supply you with a good amount of water in an emergency.
How long can I store tap water safely?
As long as the disinfected tap water is stored in a clean, airtight container and in a cool location; the water should remain safe indefinitely. As a general rule, change your emergency water supply at least every six months to ensure freshness. Store the water in quality plastic containers instead of glass, to minimize breakage. Paper containers such as milk cartons should be avoided as well, since they will weaken over time. Whatever the container, make sure it has been washed well with a non-toxic soap and rinsed well before filling. Do not use containers that once contained chemicals or toxic material.
What is a main break, and how does it effect my water supply?
Water mains carry the drinking water from the treatment plant to your home or business. The water mains are made of cast iron, ductile iron or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Water pressure, weather changes, and shifting ground can stress the water main and cause failure. A broken water main is excavated and repaired by Lauderhill's Water Distribution crew. Water Service to the effected area is turned off for approximately 2 hours.
When water service is returned, you may discover tea colored water and air coming from your faucet. By opening a number of faucets in your home, you can help the trapped air escape and clear out the old water. The water is always safe because of the chlorine we treat the water with.
If you notice a large amount of water coming to the ground surface, it may be that a main break has occurred in your neighborhood. Please contact the Water Division
Please Note: The water Division is not permitted to do any work on private property; therefore, the homeowner or a plumber must resolve any problem between the meter and the house.